In the first round Mount Michael defeated the Crete Cardinals 66-53. In the finals the Knights took on the Ralston Rams to whom they had previously lost. This time around the Knights were able to battle back from a 12 point deficit to win 41-36. Congratulations Knights!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Christmas Vigil Photos & Homily – 2013 Abbot Michael Liebl OSB
I believe we have some
young people here. Have any of you heard
of Sesame Street? I am not Big Bird,
Bert nor Ernie, not Miss Piggy, nor the Count nor Kermit nor Oscar the Grouch though
I may have been accused of sharing traits of one or another of these characters
from the program from time to time. Tonight
we are having an alphabet lesson like Sesame Street. I have decided that Christmas is a story
about the letter m. Of course M could
stand for Michael as in my name, Abbot Michael, or Mount Michael. M could stand for my favorite candy which the
development office will be more than happy to tell you is M&M’s. For me, the letter M stands for many words
which are intimately associated with Christmas.
I think I will give you the words in reverse order, starting from the
least important to the most important.
You may decide at the end of this homily to put them in a different
order. But this is the order I
prefer. I will tell you immediately that
the m word money does not have a place in my list. I suspect some misers – another m word –
might want to dispute that omission. But
tonight, they are out of luck. Miserable
misers can make up their own manifests if they are so inclined.
The first M word is
majesty. On Christmas night, the world
welcomes the king of kings into our world.
A descendant of King David, heir to the promise that God will protect
and preserve his people, ascends to the throne.
Shepherds bow down in awe. Kings
from foreign lands bring their finest gifts.
Angels worship in the heavens, singing glory to God on high. It is a breathtaking scene of majesty as the
divine breaks into a world disrupted by sin and evil, marking the onset of a
new beginning of grace.
The next M
word is miracle. On Christmas night, God
himself becomes a human being just like one of us. In the words of the letter to the Hebrews,
“In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and
in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us
through his Son … the Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact
representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. For
to which of the angels did God ever say, ‘You are my Son; today I have
become your Father’. The answer to that
question is God never said that to any angel, only to a human being. It is truly a miracle.
The third M word is
mystery. How can it be that the human
and the divine can co-exist in the person of one human being? Though many elaborate philosophical and
theological treatises attempt to explain how the divine and the human can be
one, at the end of the day they are all merely a houses of cards, a tower of
straw It is a mystery which we can
hardly understand, but for which we should be forever grateful.
The fourth
M word is manger. My literature teacher
used to say you need to pay attention to words that occur more than once in a
story. The word manger shows up many
times in the story of Jesus’ birth. Jesus shared the majesty of king, but he
chose to be born in the humility of a manger.
(For those of us who are Benedictines, this is an important lesson
because of the great emphasis that St Benedict places on humility.) Humility
means becoming a servant to one another, as Christ himself chose to do. Remember that on the night before he died,
Jesus put on a robe, got down on his knees and washed the feet of his
disciples. That is an example of
humility that we cannot hear often enough.
Think of the title the pope gives himself – servant of the servants of
God. The word manger points in the
direction of humility.
The final M
word is magic. Christmas is magic. What is more magical than watching the gleam
in the eyes of children as they unwrap presents left under the Christmas tree
by Santa Claus? What is more magical
than the Christmas lights that decorate so many homes, creating enchanting
scenes that shine in the darkness of the night?
What is more magical than the melodies of Christmas carols and Christmas
music which delight the soul? What is
more magical than the taste of a Christmas dinner? What is more magical than coming home to the
warmth of a family brought together to celebrate? What is more magical than the realization
that despite the sin and evil in the world, there is new hope for the life of
the world and for the life of each and every one of us? Ask any mother, what is
more magical than the birth of a baby child?
To me, Christmas is pure magic.
Always has been, and always will be.
There are
the five M words – majesty, miracle, mystery, manger and magic. The best gift I could give you is to wish
that you never grow too old, too cynical, too jaded to appreciate the magic of
Christmas. Merry Christmas to you all. More Photos
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Mount Michael Christmas Concert
The Mount Michael Band, Strings and Choir performed for a filled Armory of family, friends, and faculty.
Recordings of most of the pieces performed are available to all students in MP3 format on the shared G: network drive in a folder titled "1 Christmas Concert 2013 MP3" More Photos
Friday, December 13, 2013
Alumnus Finds Success with Innovative Technology
Mount Michael Alumnus Nick Evans '01 was recently interviewed by Yahoo Finance and received three votes of confidence for his new product called "Tile"
Tile is a location
tracking device and app that makes losing valuable items a thing of the past.
Tiles are bluetooth low
energy tags designed for attaching to valuable items so that these real-world
objects — wallets, bikes, suitcases etc — can be traced if they go missing.
Tile has received $2.6 million in Crowdfunding. (7/24/13)
Shoplocket interview with Nick Evans CEO and Co-founder of TILE.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Monks, Faculty and Students Enjoy an Early Christmas Dinner
The annual Christmas dinner was held in the Palace. Special guests were the Knox Grammar School Highlanders basketball team from Sydney, Australia. The evening after the dinner the Knights and Highlanders will square off in the Palace for a bit of competition. Good Luck to both teams! Photos
Friday, November 22, 2013
UNL Math Day Division Champions; All Divisions: 2nd Place
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Photo by Brian Kim |
The Mount Michael math team reigns as the UNL Math Day Division III Champions
and overall 2nd place out of 112 schools from all classes. The
Knights placed behind Division I Lincoln East.
They also took 2nd place in the Quiz Bowl for Division III. See Complete Results - More Photos
All Classes Highest Team Scores
Lincoln East 95 points
Mount Michael 91.5
Brownell Talbot 89
Omaha Central 84.2
Omaha North 83.80
Millard North 82.60
Creighton Prep 78.00
Lincoln Christian 78.00
Millard South 76.60
Omaha North 83.80
Millard North 82.60
Creighton Prep 78.00
Lincoln Christian 78.00
Millard South 76.60
Individual Finishers in the Top 40 out of over 1500 students from all Divisions
5th Young Joon Park 96 - $2000 UNL scholarship
13th Jae Jun Park 92 - - $2000 UNL scholarship
20th Eunwoo Jee 89
20th Taesung Kim 89
28th Sung Han Yoon 85
33rd Chongshi Sun 84
Congratulations Knights!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Upcoming Performance
Mount Michael Proudly Presents
"It's a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play"
Performances at 7:00 pm
Friday, November 15, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Fall Blood Drive at the Mount
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Oliver Jarosik '15, Garrett Raabe '15 and Austin Bloomquist '14 take time away from their studies to donate blood. |
Thanks Knights and everyone who helped to make it a success. More Photos
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Nate LaFave Made Honorary Navy Seal
On October 11, 2013 Nate LaFave was killed in an auto accident. On the Feast of All Saints Nate, who dreamed of becoming a Navy Seal, was made an honorary member of the Navy Seals. Officer Jack Riggins made the presentation to his family.
Learn more about Nate on a previous Mount Michael News page that has additional links
Learn more about Nate on a previous Mount Michael News page that has additional links
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Halloween Dance
The Knights and their guests enjoyed a school night of dancing to celebrate Halloween.
More Photos taken by Brian Kim
Freshman Retreat
The Mount Michael Class of 2017 recently held their first annual retreat at the ProSanctity Center north of Elkhorn. It was a great day for all. More Photos
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Alumnus Chris Ramey Connects Teens with Charity
Mount Michael Alumnus, Chris Ramey '99, has worked in education and computer programming but his true joy is introducing teens to volunteerism though his Non-Profit "Purple Wagon"
Read Article (Omaha World Herald)
Learn more about Purple Wagon the organization he began to promote and support Teen volunteerism
Read Article (Omaha World Herald)
Learn more about Purple Wagon the organization he began to promote and support Teen volunteerism
Journalism NHSPA Awards
The Mount Michael journalism class recently received awards for work submitted last spring to the Nebraska High School Press Association competition.
Yearbook: Award of Merit, Golden Kernel- Creative
Newspaper: Award of Distinction, Golden Kernel – Fresh
Congratulations Knights!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Cross Country; District Champions!
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Marcus Cronin, Peyton Hottovy, Thomas Kalil, Jarrett Crnkovich, Sam Van Haute, Thomas Wooten |
2 Elkhorn 41
3 Blair 53
4 Columbus 56
5 Schuyler 64
6 Bennington 115
7 Roncalli 142
Kalil, Thomas 2 16:57.6
Wooten, Thomas 4 17:06.7
Van Haute, Sam 5 17:14.3
Crnkovich, Jarrett 7 17:18.1
Hottovy, Peyton 15 17:44.6
Cronin, Marcus 18 17:55.8
*By winning the District Meet, the cross country team qualifies for the State Meet held next Friday in Kearney. Thomas Kalil, Thomas Wooten, Sam Van Haute, Jarrett Crnkovich, and Peyton Hottovy were District Medalists by placing in the top fifteen.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Rest In Peace
Nate LaFave
November 5, 1997 - October 11, 2013
Laid to rest at Mount Michael
October 16, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
National Merit Scholars
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Jacob Eyth (Semi-Finalilst) and Thomas Kalil (Commended) |
Seniors Jacob Eyth and Thomas Kalil have been recognized as National Merit Scholars. Eyth is a Semi-finalist and Kalil is a commended student.
Semifinalists represent less than one percent of U.S. High school seniors.
Semifinalists now continue on to compete for National Merit scholarships. Finalist status and scholarship winners are announced in the spring.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Bretsen '15 Receives Service Award
Mount Michael junior Cameron Bretsen was honored with the Better Business Bureau's Student Service Excellence Award for Rotary Honor
Rolls Students for his character and service to the Grover Street Pantry.
Cameron was selected because he exemplifies the values of the BBB and Rotary-
personal integrity, ethical behavior, leadership and academic
In addition to the award the BBB donated $200.00 to the
Grover Street Pantry on his behalf.
Congratulations Cameron!
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Cameron Bretsen with Head of School Dr. David Peters |
Friday, October 4, 2013
Award Winning Author Visits "The Mount"
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Clare Vanderpool |
In the evening she also gave a presentation to the Monastic community. Discussion afterwords centered on favorite authors.
Vanderpool received the Newbery Award for her first book titled "Moon over Manifest" her second book "Navigating Early" was just recently released. Print copies of Moon over Manifest are available in the library and "Navigating Early" are available on some of the library's kindles. Photos from presentation
For more information check out her website:
Monday, September 30, 2013
Home Coming Pep Rally
Home coming week was kicked off with a Sunday night pep rally. Each day this week will feature a theme that deviates from the regular dress code culminating in "Black Out Day" on Friday. The Knights will host the Bennington Badgers for Friday night's homecoming football game. The Homecoming dance will take place on Saturday night. Go Knights! More photos
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Friday, September 20, 2013
2013 Junior Class Retreat
The Class of 2015 held there annual retreat at Saint Patrick's parish in Fremont, Nebraska. Photos
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Tarantolo Wins State Pro Life Essay Contest
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Stefano Tarantolo '15 |
Dr. Peters, Bob Finger (Knights of Colulmbus) Stefano Tarantolo, Mrs. Amy Masek (Religion Teacher) |
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
58th Annual Mount Michael Abbey Fall Festival
Thank you to everyone for all the hard work and support given to make the festival such a great success!
Photos: Fall Festival - Tucker Hill Citizen's Brigade - Clean up
Sophomore Retreat
The Class of 2016 recently enjoyed a day off from class for their annual class retreat. It was held this year at the Holy Family Shrine south of the town of Gretna. Photos taken by Elliott Heinemen '16
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Mount Michael Record Enrollment: 233 Students
Will Sleddens | Staff Writer for "The Mount"
This school year, hallways at the Mount seem fuller than ever. Elbows brushing elbows, pushing and shoving through the halls, and squeezing past others have become necessary tactics for making it to class on time. With a record enrollment of 233, Mount Michael staff and students are making changes to accommodate the larger student population.
This school year, hallways at the Mount seem fuller than ever. Elbows brushing elbows, pushing and shoving through the halls, and squeezing past others have become necessary tactics for making it to class on time. With a record enrollment of 233, Mount Michael staff and students are making changes to accommodate the larger student population.
Up by 16 students from last year, new classes, new staff,
new schedules, and even a new dorm room have been added to help fit new
students. “We've hired another guidance counselor, Mrs. Kunkel, and Mr.
Pritchard has become a full-time 7 day dean,” Head of School, Dr. Peters said. “We’re
big enough now that we need our own drama teacher, which is another job that
Mrs. Kunkel will be doing, and we've expanded our course offerings as a direct
result of more students.”
One issue that this population influx has created is lack
of space. A large boarding population has resulted in new arrangements to fi t
all students into rooms. A new dorm has been added on the four person floor, a
room that was previously the senior day student room. Additionally, two
sophomores have been moved to a dorm on the senior floor, and a few dorm rooms
that normally house two students are being used for three. Zach Hytrek and
Brian Kang, the two sophomores living on the senior floor, say they have mixed
feelings about their dorm location. “The internet sucks down here. Plus we
don’t get to have fun with our classmates on the sophomore floor,” Kang said.
Zach Hytrek looked at the upside of having these rooms: “These rooms are way
closer to the classrooms, and that’s nice.” He also said that on his first few
days on the floor, seniors would always ask why he was on the senior floor. “It
happened like 10 times a day!” Mount Michael’s classrooms are fuller this year
than in past years, too. The administration has had to work hard to make sure
that rooms were available for every course throughout the day. “I’m glad we
were able to fi t all of our classes into classrooms,” Peters said. “We thought
that we might have to get portables.” Mr. Mackeprang and Mrs. Raabe put a lot
into organizing these classes to fi t the school. “Logistics, that’s what the
job entails,” Mackeprang said. “Actually, fitting the classes into rooms was
the last thing we did. First, we had to work out the schedule. Some people
didn't get the classes they wanted, but it’ll never be perfect for everybody.
We've managed to make it work well for this year.”
Peters attributes part of the growth to the loss of last
year’s small senior class and gaining a new larger freshman class. He also said
that, ideally, he would like to see the population top out around 240 (approximately
60 in each class) so students should expect the population to grow.
With this future expansion, however, will come new
additions to Mount Michael. Ground was recently broken for a new garage near the
monastery, which will allow the old monastery garage to be converted into a new
weight room, and the weight room will be converted into classes and teacher
It’s clear that big changes are coming to Mount Michael.
With higher student populations comes the need for newer and better facilities
around campus. While the elbow banging and shoulder brushing might become slightly
irritating, it will be interesting to see the changes being made at the Mount
as the number of students continues to increase.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Cross Country Team: Article form the Omaha World Herald
Cross country is campus-wide for Knights
By Marjie Ducey / World-Herald staff writer
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Jarrett Crnkovich, Coach John Gathje, Thomas Kalil |
Most Thursday afternoons, about 40 minutes before school ends, more than a quarter of the student body at Elkhorn Mount Michael hits the road.
Sixty-two boys are on the Knights’ cross country team — a program high, and 15 more than the 47 on the football team.
“If I could have the whole school out for cross country I would,’’ coach John Gathje said. “I think the teachers would probably kill me, as well as the other coaches.’’
Read Entire Article an the OWH website
28 Knights: 2013 AP Scholars
Congratulations to the many Mount Michael students and recent graduates who achieved the status of AP Scholars by the National College Board for their success on advanced placement exams last May.
(5) AP Scholar with Distinction: (*National AP Scholars)
John Choi*, Eun Woo Jee, Paul Kujawa*, Yun Sik Oh, James Steier
(6) AP Scholar with Honors
Peter Dewald, Hunter Hottovy, Yoon Ho Kim, Joe Kucirek, Randy Speer, David J Wooten
(17) AP Scholar
Gabe Cohen, Jarrett Crnkovich, John T. Cronin, Collin Donahue, Cameron Engel, Yutong Gao, Alex Hynes, Andrew Johannes, Christian Jones, Thomas Kalil, Moonsup Kim, John Mikulicz, Connor Moynihan, Jihoon Park, Jacob Recker, Kyle Silke, Scott Townsend.
Info on Scholars in past years
(5) AP Scholar with Distinction: (*National AP Scholars)
John Choi*, Eun Woo Jee, Paul Kujawa*, Yun Sik Oh, James Steier
(6) AP Scholar with Honors
Peter Dewald, Hunter Hottovy, Yoon Ho Kim, Joe Kucirek, Randy Speer, David J Wooten
(17) AP Scholar
Gabe Cohen, Jarrett Crnkovich, John T. Cronin, Collin Donahue, Cameron Engel, Yutong Gao, Alex Hynes, Andrew Johannes, Christian Jones, Thomas Kalil, Moonsup Kim, John Mikulicz, Connor Moynihan, Jihoon Park, Jacob Recker, Kyle Silke, Scott Townsend.
Info on Scholars in past years
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Bystander v. Leader
A Board Corner by Jim Clements
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Jim Clements Mount Michael Class of 1995 |
So here is a call to action: not only to you, but also to me. I think it is important that we as young professionals hold ourselves accountable in making Omaha a more diverse and inclusive city. Let me tell you a little bit about where I am coming from and the kinds of things I think young professionals need to do in order to make this happen.
Read Entire Article on Greater Omaha Young Professionals Website
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Knights receive Mandation
On Tuesday evening a ceremony was held at Saint Cecelia's Cathedral where numerous Knights were mandated as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Kneeling: Austin Bloomquist, Logan Kalkowski, Junwoo Lee,
Oliver Jarosik , Ian Alfieri, Mickey Coughlin, Nhat Nguyen.
Standing: Austin Ramaeker, Augustin deMayo, Brian Kim, Alex
Hotovy, Zach Frevert, Andrew Whitaker, David Uwinganji, Kevin Jewell.
More Photos
More Photos
Midlands Voices: Vets’ skills well suited for work force
(From the Omaha World Herald)
By Cliff McEvoy'00
By Cliff McEvoy'00
The author, a former U.S. Air Force captain, is a job readiness and training manager with the Nebraska Veteran Leader Corps program.
When someone asks me what I did in the Air Force, I pause and say, “I was a nuclear missile operator.”
I pause because I have been asked enough times to know that the response is usually, “Oh … OK,” followed by a blank stare. Even my closest friends and family still don’t understand exactly what I did in the military.
Continue to OWH for complete article
Friday, August 16, 2013
Opening of School Mass: Feast of the Assumption
Every year we have an all school mass to celebrate the beginning of a new year. This year the first day of classes just happened to coincide with the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. Abbot Michael Liebl was the celebrant. More Photos
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Faculty Retreat Prepares the Way
Three days of in-service for the faculty concluded with a half-day retreat led my Sr. Marietta Kerkvilet, OSB from Sacred Heart Monastery in Yankton, South Dakota. The them of the retreat was "Tools for Leaders" Which focused on Chapter 4 of the Rule of Saint Benedict titled the "Tools for Good Works". The morning offered time for personal reflection, small group discussion and sharing. At the conclusion of the retreate each member of the community was presented with an actual tool (wrench or screwdriver) as a reminder throughout the year of the "Tools of Good Works" they intend to practice in their work during the school year.
After the retreat group photos were taken of the monks, faculty, and staff:
After the retreat group photos were taken of the monks, faculty, and staff:
Randy Speer '13 selected as Athlete of the Week
Mount Michael is very proud of recent 2013 alum Randy Speer who was named Arby's Athlete of the week.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Opening of School Mass & Picnic 2013
Over 800 people were in attendance for the evening. Afterward the freshmen parents and their sons met for orientation. The freshmen stayed the night to continue orientation on Monday before heading home until class begin later in the week. Upper classmen move in on Wednesday afternoon and classes begin on Thursday. The enrollment for the school year is over 230 which is a record enrollment. More Photos
Alumni & Mount Michael Sons
Alumni Knights with their Mount Michael sons.
Left to Right: Dr. John Drahota '82, Lumir Drahota '14, Harrison Hohman '15, Dave Hohman '83, Evan Murray'12, Steve Murray '80, Benedict Murray'17, Jon Collins '15, Alec Gregerson '17, Charlie Collins '85 Bill Gregerson '85, DJ Wooten '13, Dave Wooten '87, Thomas Wooten'15, Jared Mikuls '15, Dr. Ted Mikuls '86, Jake Render '88, Patrick Render '17, Brian Morrisey '84, Colin Donahue '14, Jack Morrisey '16, Cooper Wilson '14, Mike Donahue '89, Don Wilson '79, Jeff Jamrog '83, Jared Jamrog '14, Davis Wilson '14 (Not Pictured: Dr. Sean Kenney '84, Connor Kenney '16, Steve Britt '79, Robin Britt '14)
Left to Right: Dr. John Drahota '82, Lumir Drahota '14, Harrison Hohman '15, Dave Hohman '83, Evan Murray'12, Steve Murray '80, Benedict Murray'17, Jon Collins '15, Alec Gregerson '17, Charlie Collins '85 Bill Gregerson '85, DJ Wooten '13, Dave Wooten '87, Thomas Wooten'15, Jared Mikuls '15, Dr. Ted Mikuls '86, Jake Render '88, Patrick Render '17, Brian Morrisey '84, Colin Donahue '14, Jack Morrisey '16, Cooper Wilson '14, Mike Donahue '89, Don Wilson '79, Jeff Jamrog '83, Jared Jamrog '14, Davis Wilson '14 (Not Pictured: Dr. Sean Kenney '84, Connor Kenney '16, Steve Britt '79, Robin Britt '14)
Monday, August 5, 2013
Summer Renovations Around the Mount
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Trees added to Picnic Grounds |
As students and staff return to the Mount they are discovering
that some renovations have been occurring. Some new trees have been planted just south of
the school to expand the reach of the picnic grounds. Of course it will take a few years before
they provide much shade but in time they will greatly improve the space. North of the school the soccer field has been
widened and reseeded. On the north side
of the track where an old freezer was used for athletic storage a new athletic
storage building has been built. The
upper floor of the new building will provide filming and score keeping space
for the renovated soccer field. The
Michaeleen/Development Office has received a face lift with the porch being
rebuilt and sod and a sprinkler system was installed.
Inside the school the freshman deans living and office space
has been expanded and renovated. As a
result the library made a few renovations that have allowed for the consolidating
of the fiction section into one area and the rearrangement of the computer and
magazine areas. Four new computer
stations have also been added. Because
of the growing enrollment an additional room dorm room has been added on the
top floor. The main entrance to the
school is also being redone inside to provide better security and hospitality
for guests.
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Building Constructed on Athletic Fields |
Near the Abbey a garage is being constructed to house the
Abbey and school vehicles. Construction
will begin in August with a November 1st completion date. This will allow the current garage, which is
attached the gym, to be renovated into a new weight room at a future date.
A special thanks to everyone who assisted with the renovations
and help prepare the Mount for the upcoming school year. More Photos
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
American Legion Baseball Team Class B State Runner-up
Back Row: Brent Suing, Spencer Connors,
Joe Ernst, Jake Batenhorst, Tyler Miklas, Ryan Degener, Jackson Taylor,
Pat Morey, Bob Sullivan.
Pat Morey, Bob Sullivan.
Front Row, Tommie Maliszewski, Chris Riddle, Mark Loeffelholz, Randy Speer, Alex Miklas, Will Ernst
(Kevin Jewell not pictured)
(Kevin Jewell not pictured)
Record 23-18
District Championship Team Photo
Standing Coach Brent Suing, Kevin Jewell,
Ryan Degener, Will Ernst, Jake Batenhorst,
Spencer Connors, Assistant Coach Bob Sullivan
Spencer Connors, Assistant Coach Bob Sullivan
Kneeling: Joe Ernst, Chris Riddle, Tommie Maliszewski, Randy Speer, Mark Loeffelholz, Tyler Miklas,
Jackson Taylor, Alex Miklas
Jackson Taylor, Alex Miklas
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Living the Gospel More Seriously
This is not a new teaching…as Jesus himself makes clear, there can be no real relationship with Him when the poor are neglected and injustice abounds… God cannot be related to without… looking, squarely and honestly, at how the weakest members in our society are faring… This is not a liberal agenda item. It is something that lies at the very heart of the gospel and which Jesus makes the ultimate criterion for our final judgment. (Ronald Rolheiser – THE HOLY LONGING – pp.65-66)
Following the careers and life styles of both the alums of St. John’ Seminary and Mount Michael Benedictine High School, one can not help but be amazed and even proud of what our alums have done and continue to do. Not only have they found their niche in life and developed their talents and strengths, but they have pursued life styles to make our world a better place and to make life better for others.
Kevin McGuire '66 and John Levy '99 |
Two such alums who fall into this category would be Kevin McGuire of the class of 1966 of St. John’s Seminary and John Levy of the class of 1999 of Mount Michael Benedictine High School. Both of these men originally pursued law careers and successfully completed law degrees. And yet both felt pulled in another direction – social justice areas and working directly with the poor.
Kevin McGuire, after obtaining a law degree from Creighton University, opted to help the poor by working at the Day House in Omaha, Nebraska. The Day House takes its name from Dorothy Day, American journalist, social activist and devout Catholic convert. Besides taking on the law in regard to issues of PEACE, Kevin has spent, basically his whole life, helping the homeless, street people and in general strangers—weakest members of our society.
Although Kevin never wants any recognition, the fact is that he has worked at the Day House for many years. Although the Day House is no longer open, Kevin has collected and distributed food to food pantries for all these years. And one of the places that Kevin could count on for help was Mount Michael. Living simply and without stockpiling financial security for himself all these years, Kevin – whether he wants to admit it or not—has followed the gospel in perhaps a more intense way them many of the rest of us have. Kevin has even tried to lighten the lives of these weak members of society by his musical gift—playing the violin. He graces them with music.
John Levy graduated from the University of Nebraska College of law with distinction. After law school, John practiced law for two large regional law firms for five years before deciding to serve those in need by becoming the Executive Director of the Heart Ministry Center. The Heart Ministry Center is located in one of the poorest areas of the United States and offers those in need food, clothing, health care, and self-sufficiency programs to hopefully break the cycle of poverty. Under John's direction, the Center has experienced tremendous growth providing over 75,000 acts of assistance each year to the less fortunate as well as to add several new programs and clinics. John has also recently raised a significant amount of money so the Center can be renovated to include a self-sufficiency program classroom, a dental clinic with equipment donated by Dr. Dan Beninato 91', a pharmacy and medical lab, a therapy room, and an expanded lobby. Despite the Center's growth, John remains actively involved in the Center's daily operations including spending time with children, who lost parents to gun violence, advocating against slumlords in the courtroom, and delivering food to the homebound elderly, who otherwise have no food to eat.
Undoubtedly, Mount Michael is proud of these two alums as Mount Michael is of all of our alums. But perhaps it is appropriate to sing the praises of these who have opted to work with the poor. And finally, I am certainly Kevin and John would welcome any help or contributions as well. Blessings to the both of you always!
(From Fr. John Hagemann's Blog, reprinted in the Michaeleen Summer 2013. A link is available on the Abbey Homepage.)
Monday, June 10, 2013
5-Year Reunions 2013
Saturday June 9th Mount Michael Alumni gathered for 5-Year Reunions.
Photos - List of Names for photos
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Elkhorn-Valley Annual Tractor Ride
Mount Michael served as the start and terminus of the annual Elkhorn Valley Antique Tractor Club’s ride for charity. The event raises money for the Christian Outreach Program of Elkhorn. The ride began shortly before 11:00 am and proceeded down to Maple Street and then through old town Elkhorn then down the Old Lincoln Highway which is celebrating its centennial.
The tractor parade then wound its way back to Mount Michael
for a club picnic at the Mount Michael Michaeleen picnic grounds. Bro Mark (John) Berns a monk and member of
the club served as host. More Photos
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