Tuesday, May 21, 2013

New eLibrary, Just in time for summer!

Mount Michael has just launched a library of eBooks for students and faculty which is accessible anytime anywhere 24/7.  Just in time for the summer!

The initial collection of books is small, 42 books, but each month more books will be added, even during the summer months.  The company Baker & Taylor hosts The Mount’s books.  Baker & Taylor’s AxisReader app works with any iOS or Android device including iPads, iPods, iPhones, android phones & tablets. Some eReaders by Kobo, Sony and others such as Nooks that use epub files work.  KindleFire tablets by Amazon will also work.  Unfortunately Amazon’s e-ink readers will not work because they use a non-standard file format exclusive to Amazon.

Over the last several years Mount Michael’s librarian, Bro Luke Clinton OSB, performed multiple surveys of the student body in regards to eBooks. The results showed a clear interest but implementation was cost prohibitive until recently.   The availability and pricing of eBooks for libraries varies greatly from publisher to publisher.  Some books are limited to 26 circulations while others charge a high premium for new releases.  Each year more and more publishers are coming around to being library friendly. View Mount Michael's Axis360 eLibrary