November is always a month of quiet transitions, fall moving toward winter and outdoor sports to indoor activities.
Despite the quiet appearance of November there are still many things going on at the Mount.
All Souls Memorial Service
The Monastic community gathered with guests at the cemetery to commemorate those members of the greater Mount Michael Community that have passed away in the the last year. Afterward everyone gathered in the Abbey for heavy Hors d'oeuvres and beverages. More Photos
All Saints Mass
The school community gather in the DJ Sokol Chapel to celebrate All Saints day. Abbot Theodore Wolff OSB was the celebrant. More Photos
Red Cross Blood Donations
Students, faculty, staff and family members all participated in the blood drive. It was noted that their were a lot of first time donors. The goal of 37 pints was met with 39 pints. Thanks to all who donated and those who helped to make the event a success. More Photos
Sophomore Retreat
The annual sophomore retreat was put on by Youth Frontiers. The Repect Retreat was held at The Mount on Thursday. More Photos