National Spanish Exam: College Scholarship Winner
David Choi '15 earned one of only 60 scholarships available to seniors who took the National Spanish Exam. The scholarship competition was based on the exam, a video clip in which he explained in Spanish how he planned to use Spanish in the future and a persuasive essay written in Spanish.
Mount Michael Students Whose Fathers Attended "The Mount"
Left to Right:
Ben Murray ’17, Evan Murray 12, Steve Murray ’80 Nicholas Akers ’19, Joe Akers
’79 Nicko Britt ’19, Jack Morrissey ’16, Steve Britt ’79, Brian Morrissey ’84,
B. J. Wilson ’84, Bob Recker ’84, Andrew Wilson ’19, Jake Recker 13, Joe Recker
’18, Hudson Hohman ’18, Dave Hohman ’84, Matt Gloeb ’84, Garrett Gloeb ’18, Gavin
Copple ’19, Justin Copple ’98.
Not Shown:
Patrick Collin’s 19, (Mike ’85), Emmet Kenney ’18, Connor Kenny ’16 (Sean ’84)
Nolan Gottsch ’18, (Mickey ’83)