Friday, April 4, 2014

Mount Michael Spring Play

The Canterbury Tales or Geoffrey Chaucer's Flying Circus

Many believe that Chaucer’s literary masterpiece revolutionized English literature. This play revolutionizes the study of this challenging literature by tossing in a good helping of Monty Python-styled humor to create this incredibly silly yet educational comedy. You’ll meet many of the pilgrims whose tales are most likely to be studied in high school (along with a few Thanksgiving pilgrims that ended up in the wrong play!), including the knight, the miller, the parson, the pardoner, the nun’s priest and the friar. Even the wife of Bath has cleaned up her act for this adaptation and is now a nagging woman who sells self-help DVDs! The miller, too, makes an appearance, though nobody wants to hear anything he has to say!

Photos by Brian KimMore Photos

Cast Members:
Jarrett Crnkovich....... Harry Bailey
Matt Bohnhoff....... Geoffrey Chaucer
Elliott Heineman....... Knight
Taesung Kim....... Parson
Will Sleddens....... Wife of Bath
Thomas D'Aquila.......Pardoner
Joe Melia....... Nun's Priest
Maura Cullen....... Clerk
Alejandra Garcia....... Lawyer
Leo McGrath....... Physician
Max deMayo.......Lawyer
Sam Bohart....... Squire
Austin Bloomquist....... Miller
Broden Kapps....... Boring Scholar
David Mordan....... Stage Manager
Jacob Bova....... Sign Changer