Monday, October 10, 2011

Freshman Retreat

The theme for the freshman retreat this year was Ora et labora (Pray & Work).    The day began with practice and the assigning of roles for Mass which would be said later in the day. Some students also performed a short pantomime of the story of Saints Benedict and Scholastica.

Steve Luna offered a presentation about “Men and Prayer.”

The Eucharist followed with Fr Gregory Congote presiding. His homily was on Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.

After a snack break, Fr. Daniel Lenz gave an explanation of the Medal of St. Benedict along with a presentation about the life of Saint Benedict written by Saint Gregory the Great.

After lunch the students had a break. In the afternoon Virginia Tardy gave a presentation on Ora et Labora with Mount Michael prayer beads. This was followed by lectio and the presentation of the story of Blessed Pier Goirgio Frassati given by Teresa Monaghen.  Next Cindy Jandrain gave a presentation on Labora/Service.   More Photos